Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Week 5

Most of the day was spent hooking up new computers to the network. We named the computers RES-(insert room number)-PTA so they could easily be identfied and connected them to NUSD.LOC so they could be controlled by administrators. For some reason the renaming did not allow us to become admins meaning no new software could be installed, luckily I found that by logging in as admin on the computer and not NUSD.LOC we could install things and it would not be an issue.

Later that day we had a tech meeting, the second I have ever attended since I began working there last year. Tensions were a bit high as the teachers were now realizing that by cutting the tech budget there was not enough time for an IT to keep everything running as smoothly as people wanted. Then there was the matter of schedules as everyone wanted to bring their class to the lab when an IT was there. Sadly we had to cut the meeting short as the fire department came to make sure everything was up and running via testing (hint: it is hard to have a meeting with loud sounds blaring).

Monday, September 17, 2007

Week 4

I went around putting Accelerated Reader (AR) onto all of the various computers in the school. I then retrieved a disk containing the program for creating report cards for Ms. Dodge who recently obtained a new computer. Later we had two different classes come in, one desiring to use a site to teach students about American history and the other using AR for testing purposes.

Week 3

Was not able to work.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Week 2

We removed Qlipmedia from the startup folder as it was causing slowdown during start up and the red grid that appeared when right clicking might panick the younger children. Additionally we had our first bunch of students come in, Ms. Spry's class. I was then tasked with updating the Macintosh computers of the first grade teachers and was also told to set up Ms. Thornton's new computer, which included installing the driver for her printer. Since it had already been hooked up to the school network once it was able to work however I found that no one at the school is able to rename computers (renaming computers is a neww skill for me, I only just learned the syntax for it: XXX-RYYY-SN). So we are attempting to get permissions for possible future cases where we have to rename computers.

Monday, September 3, 2007

Week 1

This week has been pretty non-eventful as most teachers are getting the students settled in. We reinstalled a few programs that were not working correctly such as Opac on the library machines along with a new program called Qlipboard on the computers in the computer lab. The reason for the latter is that the teachers have begun to think about podcasts and this is an easy and free program for doing this. The only problem is it requires a different screen resolution than the one we are set to which may break some of the old programs. On top of all this we repaired Ms. Dodge's OS since it had been acting very slowly.