Friday, April 25, 2008

Week 28

Well this was my Superior's last day before a three week hiatus (during which I will be working overtime) so we had a bit of work to do. First off we had to change the permissions of a program called fortress that allows us to have administration powers on a normal account by pressing ctrl shift f and then entering a password in a window that pops up. This permanently set the permissions of students so that they were able to move files into their own folders which they needed as they were moving pictures of themselves into their accounts.

We also had to change the shortcut to GIMP that was on the the desktop as it did not allow access to the program on any accounts besides those of administrators. To do this we simply went to the all users folder and then into the the desktop folder therein, we then deleted the GIMP shortcut. We kept that window open and pressed start. went to programs, moused over print, right clicked, pressed copy, and finally pasted the shortcut into the desktop file. To make sure everything was in working order we logged onto rastudent (the general login) to make sure that it worked on all accounts.

Lastly we had two computers that we apparently forgot to upgrade after the summer which had begun to crash. Windows made it so that if you did not have a particular download from them (which we had not gotten since the computers had been off between June and September) the computer would regularly crash when trying to update. We originally believed that we had updated all the computers and that their crashing was due to something else however when we double checked that turned out to not be the case so we went to Windows' website and downloaded the necessary files.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Week 26

Today we decided that after constantly having kids pushing and shoving to get to the printer we would make half the computers print to the other printer in the room. One of the ITs hired by the district told us that all we had to do was to log into said computer as an administrator and delete all printers besides the one we wanted the computers to print to. Unfortunately all this managed to do was make it so that no one else who logged on to the computers would be able to print.

The problem we ran into then was getting the printer on to each account individually; not only would we need to log on to each student from 4th and 5th grade to the computers they sit at (and mind you we don't have a list), start up a program that takes a long time to load, and then go through the tedious process of hooking it up to the printer. Since this wasn't really viable we searched for a way to make all the accounts recognize the printer without us logging on to each one multiple times as varying people; unfortunately the only thing we were able to find was a program for Vista (we run on XP).

Ultimately we decided to wait for information from the people from the district office to contact us, and had the classes that arrived log on as rastudent (the only account that was hooked up to a printer). We had kids playing Type to Learn and Oregon Trail all morning and then had some lunch. Perhaps because today is the last day before spring break no teachers came in after lunch and we had little to do but sit around until it was time to leave.