Monday, June 9, 2008

Last Day

Well today is my last day at Rancho Elementary (my last day working, I will be back for the staff party). It's been a relatively quick 18 months since I started working here and it's been both fun and extremely educational. When I came to the school I had a basic understanding of technology, though I was a bit more knowledgeable with software than hardware, and I have come out with enough knowledge that I could perform low level IT (such as that at Rancho) with relative ease. I've put together computers, learned how to add them to a doman, and I even learned better ways to troubleshoot than I had known previously.

I've also improved my understanding of how one acts with other people in the workplace. The little hints of whether you should back down or not, the understanding of how much a little help goes to improving your public image, and manners while conversing with colleagues and superiors. Regardless of whatever job I take next this is probably the most important skill I will take away from all this, I've earned the respect of the teachers here and have even earned the favor of some to the point where they went out and bought me cards for my departure from Rancho.

My stay here will probably be one of the most memorable periods of time in my life and definitely one of the most important as I now have valuable life skills that will serve me well for years to come.